Sharpp Budget Recap for Q1 2018
The first of many great quarters for franchise owners and operators.
April marks the end of Sharpp’s first quarter. We’ve seen a lot of firsts since January. The largest change includes the launch of Version 1 of Sharpp Budget, our expense tracking tool for franchise owners and their management teams. It’s our first fully functional product in a line of exciting tools.
Since launch, we’ve heard a lot of helpful feedback that has allowed us to further refine the product. Those changes are included below:
Recent Improvements
- Transactions are now visible on the Overview, not just per category. Where on the Vendor’s page, the Category, and now the general Overview you can dive deeper into each transaction.
- Calculations have been refactored to increase speed and performance. It was taking about 6 seconds to load the page, which has since been reduced to about 2 seconds. This is a huge saving on in-store internet.
- A slight addition was made to the profit calculation to improve it’s precision from 0.005% accuracy to a near perfect match. This means even closer projections.
- More emphasis has been added to items that are Over Budget. If you’ve over budget today, the progress bar turns red AND the phrase ‘Over Budget’ appears under the bar.
- Breadcrumbs have been added to the top of each page to simplify backwards navigation.
- Jumping between categories is now easier than ever with a quick link function on each category page. To take this for a test drive, click on a category. Above the page title you’ll see a down arrow that will expand to show all categories.
- Search! You can now lookup transactions by keywords like description, amount, or invoice numbers. For example, if you’re looking for Invoice #423452, you can click the magnifying glass in the navigation.
- Filtering transactions can be performed by Transaction Type. To filter by transaction type, simply click the name on the Summary view for either a Category or the Overview.
- We’ve installed a support tool called Intercom, which will appear in the bottom right of your screen. By clicking the chat icon, you’ll be connected directly with a member of our team.
It’s been a huge first few months. These improvements are providing easier access to the number that drive each business forward. Beyond that, this level of transparency is putting cash back in franchise operators pockets. One of our most improved Operators reported a 4% same store profit increase over last year. Another Operator is taking home 68% more than last year, whilst having a 3% drop in sales.
Stay tuned for more improvements and as always, stay sharp.